
treat somebody是什么意思中文翻译用法及使用场景

treat somebody这个英文短语是什么意思呢,我们可以对里面的单词逐步分解,将其中一个个单词的意思解释出来,然后将单词的意思合成一个通顺的句子,这样就很容易了解这个短语的意思了。下面我们一起看看这个连在一起的短语是什么意思吧。

treat somebody意思翻译:对待某人



somebody else───n.别人

impregnate somebody───使某人怀孕


free somebody───释放某人

treat patakeacalling───治疗口腔溃疡

cool treat───冷饮

treat you───对待你

rare treat───难得的款待


Excuse me whether has somebody done laser to treat myopia operation?───请问是否有人做过激光治疗近视眼手术的?

The ability to ask somebody on a date, take them somewhere nice, treat them right, not stress too much over what you wear to said occasion and be able to hold an interesting conversation with them.───邀请别人约会、带他们去适合的地方和恰当地款待他们的能力,不用过分强调要穿什么,但能和他们进行有趣的对话。

I just happened, while I was a graduate student at Oxford University, to meet somebody who is vegetarian and start talking to him about the way we treat animals which I really didnt know much about.───我还在牛津攻读硕士研究生,偶然遇到了一个素食者,我们聊到人类是怎样对待动物的,当时我的确不是很了解。


I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I dont believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesnt want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but Im not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesnt know how to return the treatment. Malcolm X 


本网站提供treat somebody是什么意思中文翻译用法及使用场景、近义词、反义词、英语翻译、造句等详细信息。
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