
when other people do the same是什么意思中文翻译用法及使用场景

when other people do the same这个英文短语是什么意思呢,when是什么时候;当时;何时的意思,other是别的,其他的意思,people是人;人们;(统称)人民,国民;民族;大家;种族的意思,same是相同的,同样的意思,下面我们一起看看这个连在一起的短语是什么意思吧。

when other people do the same意思翻译:当其他人也这样做时


when other───当其他

when people───当人们

do the same───做同样的事;这样做

the other───另一个

when the───当

when do we───我们什么时候开始

when you do───当你这么做的时候

when do you───你什么时候

the people───人民;民众;民; 大众; 人民


This shows what Ross and colleagues dubbed the false consensus bias - the idea that we each think other people think the same way we do when actually they often dont.───这展现了被Ross和同事们称为“虚假同感”的偏见——我们每个人都觉得别人和自己想的一样,可是实际上并非如此。

According to Harvard, when people do good, their brains becomes active in the very same reward center that is stimulated when they experience other rewards.───根据哈佛的看法,人们做好事,他们的大脑变得活跃,就好像当你经历别的奖励时,大脑所受的刺激。

This instinct to humiliate when its modeled by someone in the public... by someone powerful, it filters down into everyones life because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same.───当公众人物、有权势的人物形成这样一种羞辱他人的本能,这种本能就会慢慢渗入每个人的生活,因为这样的行为似乎就是允许别人效仿。

Two-year-olds pretend to be animals and airplanes, and they can understand when other people do the same thing.───两岁的孩子假装自己是动物和飞机,当别人做同样的事情时他们也可以理解。


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