
us bank是什么意思中文翻译用法及使用场景

us bank这个英文短语是什么意思呢,us是美国的意思,bank是银行的意思,下面我们一起看看这个连在一起的短语是什么意思吧。

us bank意思翻译:美国银行




vocality bank───声乐库

cba bank───cba银行

pinnacle bank───尖顶银行

aurae bank───奥瑞银行

embassy bank───大使馆银行

bank overdraft───银行透支; 向银行透支;[金融]银行透支

depository bank───存款银行;[财]受托银行


I believe we will have a bill before [US bank holiday] Thanksgiving.───我相信在感恩节前(美国公众假期),我们会通过法案的。

us bank already has a domestic fund business in Japan, where it focuses on the countrys pension schemes.───美国投资银行已经在日本开展了本土基金业务,将重点放在日本的养老金计划上。

Goldman Sachs kicked off the US bank results season when it brought forward its figures to Monday.───高盛于周一发布了本季度业绩报告,随后美国各大银行将发布各自的一季度报告。

People familiar with Citi say the US bank was more or less steered to CDB as the proper counterparty for a dialogue with the Chinese.───熟悉花旗的人士表示,这家美国银行或多或少是被人牵线与国开行展开商谈的。

Buffett also said that Berkshire had increased its holdings in a leading US bank, Wells Fargo, but did not give details.───巴菲特还表示,伯克希尔增持了一家领先的美国银行,富国银行(WellsFargo),但没有透露详细情况。

The US bank is planning to sell part of its 9 per cent stake in Chinas second biggest bank, people familiar with the matter say.───知情人士称,这家美国银行正计划部分出售其所持建行9%股份,建行是中国第二大银行。

People familiar with the situation said the US bank had agreed a partnership with Central China Securities, a mid-sized brokerage.───知情人士表示,这家美国银行已经同意与中等规模证券经纪公司中原证券合作。

At a large US bank, a Java team was asked to enhance a legacy application which had scant documentation.───在一家大型的美国银行中,企业要求Java团队对缺少文档的遗留应用程序进行改善。

US officials are trying to find a US bank willing to handle the money.───美国官方正努力寻找一家愿意处理这笔资金的美国银行。


This is the highest yield on short-dated debt in the world, according to US bank, Brown Brothers Harriman.

I believe we will have a bill before [ US bank holiday ] Thanksgiving.


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